
Sculptural screen – winner of Time to design – new talent award 2008

August 26th the Cultural Minister of Denmark, Mr. Brian Mikkelsen, presented the winner of Time to design – new talent award 2008. The winner is granted with three months residency at the National Workshops for Arts and Crafts, 50.000 DKK donated by the Cultural Ministry and two weeks exhibition in Normann Copenhagen Flagship Store. The winner in 2008 is architect Anne Romme, who has participated with the project entitled “Saturated Porosity – freestanding screen”. 

The winner project is inspired by abstract geometrical patterns, which traditionally has been used to create an atmosphere in cultures where figurative depiction is not allowed. Through ornaments made in wood Anne Romme will create a sensuous and sculptural screen and room divider. The project is based on geometry and digital design and production methods.   

The jury’s opinion

”Anne Romme has through her careful work proved that the project, when it is realized, is able to create an exciting, sensuous and diversified influence of the room in which it is being used. In addition the architectural qualities of Anne Romme’s sculptural screens can have large effect when the project is being released. Our opinion is that it will be of huge importance that Anne Romme can have the opportunity to carry out her project in full scale with the use of the excellent facilities, which can be found at the National Workshops for Arts and Crafts. At this place it will be possible for her to make scale models, work with material try-out, test moulding techniques and surface treatments as well as testing light effects”.

Anne Romme is educated as an architect from Aarhus School of Architecture and in 2008 she achieved a Post-professional Masters Degree from Princeton University School of Architecture in USA. Today she lives and works in New York and she is the image of a young Danish designer making her mark abroad. With Time to design – new talent award Anne Romme is granted with the opportunity to realize a very intriguing project, a project which can be the take-off for her future career.

Unique platform for design talents

Time to design – new talent award is a new design award focusing on the needs of young talents. The award is based on a new and untraditional co-operation between the National Workshops for Arts and Crafts, Normann Copenhagen and Link UP – a network for young architects and designers in Denmark. The cooperation between the private and the public sector form a distinctive platform for the growing talent and facilitate room and space for challenging projects and ideas – a platform that can contribute to the winner’s further professional career.

The Danish Minister for Culture, Brian Mikkelsen, says about the award: 

”At  the  Danish Ministry  of  Culture  we  are  happy  to witness  the  active  efforts, which many participants do to strengthen the position of present Danish design both at home and abroad. In  the centre of  these efforts we see  the award Time  to design as a good example of a new and pro active  initiative, which can develop the conditions  for young design talents. With this award an ambitious platform  for young designers’ professional possibilities has been created. The award makes room for talent and potential, room to put the ideas into practice and room for experiments.”

The target group for the award is designers in the beginning of their career, who has already showed potential and talent. The award will be an annual event and every year a highly qualified jury with three permanent and a group of guest jury members will select the best design.  

Read more about Time to design – new talent award at www.timetodesign.eu 

For further information about Time to design – new talent award contact:

Frederik Hardvendel, Director, National Workshops for Arts and Crafts or

Ida Sofie Minke Anderson, PR Assistant, National Workshops for Arts and Crafts

Phone: +45 32 96 05 10 or +45 20 62 15 45

Email: timetodesign@svkh.dk

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